Unit 1 Task 2 -
<Making a Game>
<Making a Game>
- Procedure:
- Identify finance available- If you're a NEET then none. But usually in a one-man team you need something to sustain your basic bodily functions and pay for necessary software this may be achieved by working part time or getting funding from a sponsor. You may achieve this by posting your work or what we call blank sheet that summarises your game concept and style to companies that produce games and they will fund your project. Or you may set up a patreon or goFundme.
- identify personnel needed- Usually only yourself or a couple of friends.
- identify personnel available;
- identify resources needed;
- identify resources available;
- prepare budget;
- contract personnel;
- book resources;
- prepare schedules;
- identify health and safety implications;
- identify legal implications;
- identify risks to project
Documentation: production documentation, eg scripts, storyboards, mood boards, thumbnails, properties,
contact lists, location recces; production schedules; budget; clearances; plans, eg location plans, studio
plans; health and safety assessments; risk assessments; contingency plans
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